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What People Wish They Knew About Marketing

It’s harder than it seems to get a job

Marketing is a popular industry that many people of different backgrounds go into. However, hearing back from a company or landing an interview is harder than it seems.

“I thought it would've been easier to find a job. I’m lucky that I did find a job in the end— I think everyone will if they keep looking. It’s just not easy. I thought I had a substantial amount of experience under my belt, and I still wasn't getting responses from so many companies, so that was a harsh awakening.”

– Marketing Assistant on the Innovation Team, The Boston Beer Company ‘21


“For the job experience, I didn't expect I would have this much independence, maybe that's atypical just because of the role. The sales stuff is a bit more structured, but with marketing they're open to us doing anything on campus and just running it by them; it really works like that, which is cool. It's cool to see that other people around me have been doing some super cool stuff too.”

– Student Marketeer at Redbull ‘22

Soft skills

“I didn't expect to pick up so many soft skills. I learned a lot about marketing, growth, and the technical side of things, but a lot of my work also has to do with managing clients and expectations and working with people and different departments and people who have different skill sets than me. I think I really developed a lot of soft skills that I imagine would be useful in any future career in business that I might choose.”

– Marketing Associate at Launch Pop ‘24

Commitment is more important than you might think

While it is one thing to get the position, it is easy to differentiate someone who puts effort into the work from another who merely gets things done. Make sure to put as much into the work as you expect to get out of it.

“The entire quality of the work depended on how committed I was to doing it. The range of marketing products that were put out was insane. Some had zero research done behind them; others were incredibly researched and performed better. I didn’t really realize that you could go into one of these marketing internships and it was pretty much entirely based on your own initiative.”

– Marketing Intern at Students for Justice ‘24


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