There are many conferences and internship opportunities for students who identify within groups that are historically underrepresented in Tech.
At conferences, students can attend talks by inspiring keynote speakers, hone their skills at workshops, and engage with recruiters at career fairs. Students may even get the chance to interview for summer internships at these conferences. Harvard’s Computer Science division offers students the opportunity to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration, which serves to empower women in computer science, and the ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing. If your application is selected, HCS pays for the flight, room, and registration fees. Typically the application deadline is in May, and the link is posted on the Harvard CS Piazza board, which can be found at https://harvardcs.info/.
Due to coronavirus, Grace Hopper and Tapia 2020 will be virtual. If you are unable to get Harvard funding, these conferences also offer outside scholarships and funding.
“I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to attend Grace Hopper my sophomore fall, as it was how I eventually got my summer internship. At Grace Hopper’s Career Fair, I connected with a recruiter, who gave me the application for the company’s leadership summit. After attending, I was given the chance to interview for their summer internship. The career fair is huge, populated with huge tech companies as well as smaller startups. It’s a really great place to connect with recruiters and explore options that you might have never known are out there! Beyond the career fair, I really enjoyed getting to attend the conference with fellow Harvard Women in CS who became mentors and friends!”
- Harvard Class of 2022, attended Grace Hopper Celebration
Big tech firms, such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, offer unique internship positions for minority students, which you can find online.
“Facebook University (FBU) is an eight-week internship program for students from underrepresented communities. Although I went to the engineering program, there're also programs for analytics, product design, operations, and sales/advertising. Because the program accepts first years, you don't need as much experience with CS as most other internships but you should be able to show a strong interest in it.”
- FBU Intern and returning Software Engineering Intern, Harvard Class of 2022