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Succeeding as a Consultant

The following is a list we compiled of the skills you need in order to succeed in management consulting:

Problem Solving

At its core, consulting is problem solving. You need to be able to take a complex problem that a client gives you, break it down into its parts, and determine an efficient and effective way of diagnosing the problem and looking into solutions. Consultants engage in structure problem solving, drawing upon frameworks for diving into problems and testing hypotheses.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

You need to be able to communicate your findings in a clear manner that others can understand and be able to connect with people. Consultants need to be able to convince others, including their team and their clients, that their ideas are valid and of value.

“A successful consultant typically has good presentation skills. A consultant can perform excellent business analysis but this analysis and the accompanying advice to the client will never be followed if the client isn’t convinced via a strong presentation that the research is sound. ”

- Associate Consultant at Bain, Harvard Class of 2020

“People with strong interpersonal skills are typically successful at consulting. This doesn't necessarily mean you're an extrovert (there are plenty of introverts who have gone up the ladder and are now managers/partners!). It means that you're able to connect with people and communicate effectively.”

- Associate Consultant at Bain, Harvard Class of 2019

Taking Initiative

Consultants work in small teams where the responsibility for the success of the project lies heavily on each team member. Successful consultants are not afraid to share their opinion, after all, they are being paid for it.

“You have to be driven and self-motivated. It's easy to lose heart in consulting--a lot of the work can be menial and long and purposeless, you may not vibe with your team members, and you may feel like you're not making any positive impact on the world. Despite these feelings, it's important to be grounded in what you want to get out of consulting (a ton of learning in a short amount of time, desirable exit opportunities, tactical business skills), and focus on maximizing your experience so you absorb and learn as much as possible!”

- Associate Consultant at Bain, Harvard Class of 2019


Consultants are hired to offer solutions that the client didn’t manage to find. These solutions often require out-of-the-box thinking and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

“It helps to have prior experience with Excel/financial analysis, but definitely not required. Instead, it's more important to have softer skills like breaking down a problem, thinking creatively, being willing to learn a LOT, communicating clearly, working under pressure, being a team player, and synthesizing information.”

- Associate Consultant at Bain, Harvard Class of 2019


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