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Recruiting for Nonprofits at Harvard

Recruiting for Nonprofits at Harvard

Although there is not really a recruiting effort done by most nonprofits, Harvard does have a Nonprofit and Government Career Fair usually in October (“Nonprofit, Government, & Global Health Fair”).

Since 2019, realizing the fact that public service recruiting is less streamlined than private sector recruiting, PBHA has held a Public Service Recruiting Day for seniors in October. Seniors can submit applications to two of the participating organizations and if selected, students can then interview with these organizations on campus during the event.

Furthermore, Harvard has a ton of funding resources for summer internships and opportunities for those doing public services and nonprofit work. For example, the IOP has a Director’s Internship where a bunch of organizations offer to take one intern through the Director’s Internship (“Director's Internships”). These internships range from congressional internships to internships with organizations such as Indivisible and Lead for America (“Director’s Internships”). If you find your own internship in public service you can also apply for the IOP’s summer stipend (“Summer Stipend Program”). CPIC Mindich also offers a large listing of internships in public service with funding.

“Generally, there aren’t many resources for getting into public service overall. Harvard has two great ones. First, its organizations, such as the IOP and the CPIC Mindich Fellowship, which can really help you get your foot in the door. Next are your professors, who are very well connected and will usually be willing to help students who show a huge drive to work for the same common goals.”

--Democracy Fellow, Government Accountability Project, Harvard ‘20

“The IOP was huge both in terms of meeting other people who are interested in nonprofit work and also to get looped in on internship opportunities.”

- FUEL Associate at Robin Hood, past Director’s Intern at Indivisible, Class of 2020

Other organizations that offer summer funding or internships are:

  • Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA)’s Summer Urban Program

  • Center for Public Interest Careers (CPIC)'s Grant Funding (Harvard Clubs Summer Community Service Fellowship Program; Arthur Liman Public Interest Law Summer Fellowship Program; Summer Federal Work Study Program for Public Service)

  • Office of Career Services (OCS) International Volunteer and Independent Internships

  • Presidential Public Service Fellowship

  • Harvard Global Health Institute Internships

  • Other programs offered by Harvard Centers such as the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS), Center for European Studies (CES), and Harvard China Fund

Additionally, because there is less of a recruiting pipeline. It is important to be proactive in pursuing opportunities.

“A great skill to have is the skill of reaching out to people that you don’t particularly know. Cold calling is definitely a big part of getting into the field. For example, the summer after my junior year, I worked for my local public defender's office and that was the result of Googling their office, calling them like 1000 times until eventually someone picked up. The nonprofit world really is a get it yourself sort of situation.”

- FUEL Associate at Robin Hood, Class of 2020

”We are privileged with our alumni network. But, you have to use the alumni network in creative manners. Typically, students cold email alumni asking for help. To get into public service, you have to be different. You should be offering the alumni help, which can demonstrate passion, expertise, and initiative. Then, those same alumni will be more willing to help you. You’ll see that they’re much more willing to help you if you can offer them help, as well.”

--Democracy Fellow, Government Accountability Project, Harvard ‘20


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